Jumat, 09 Desember 2011

ada yg lebih baru :)

 Banyak game yang ditunggu para gamer akhirnya dirilis. Selain Need for Speed: World Online dan Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Resurgence Pack, game apa lagi yang akan dirilis Nintendo, Sony PlayStation, XboX 360, dan komputer PC,
berikut adalah daftar game tersebut:
Game untuk Nintendo DS:
* Astro Invaders
* Despicable Me
* Paws & Claws: Regal Resort
* Mahjong Journey: Quest for Tikal
* Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies
* Animal Planet Vet Collection
* Cats & Dogs: The Revenge of Kitty Galore
* Chuck E. Cheese’s Party Games
* Dungeon Raiders
* Little League World Series: Double Play
* Hidden Objects Mystery Stories
* Puzzle Quest 2
* 7 Wonders II
* Monster Rancher DS
* Galaxy Racers
* Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar
* Duke Nukem Trilogy: Critical Mass
Game untuk Komputer (PC):
* Moonbase Alpha
* Monkey Island 2: Special Edition
* ArmA 2
* Battlefield 1943
* Mytheon
* Need for Speed: World Online
* StarCraft II: Wings of LIberty
* Starcraft II
* Commander: Conquest of the Americas
* Scivelation
* Chaos Online
* Doctor Who: The Adventure Games
* Freejack
* Sam & Max: The Devil’s Playhouse — Episode 4: Beyond the Alley of the Dolls
Game untuk Playstation 2 (PS2):
* Despicable Me
* NCAA Football 11
game untuk Playstation 3 (PS3):
* Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Resurgence Pack
* Monkey Island 2: Special Edition
* DeathSpank
* NCAA Football 11
* Clash of the Titans
* BlazBlue: Continuum Shift
* Landit Bandit
* Little League World Series Baseball 2010
* Quantum Theory
Game untuk Playstation Portable (PSP):
* 5 in 1 Arcade Hits
* Despicable Me
* Hello Flowerz
* Persona 3 Portable
* Ace Combat: Joint Assault
* Arcade Air Hockey & Bowling
* Duke Nukem Trilogy: Critical Mass
* Soccer Bashi
Game untuk Nintendo Wii:
* FlingSmash
* Furry Legends
* Big Beach Sports 2
* The Cages Pro-Style Batting Practice
* Despicable Me
* Tournament of Legends
* Chuck E. Cheese’s Party Games
* Trackmania
* Arc Rise Fantasia
* Zany Golf
* Disney Guilty Party
* Soccer Bashi
Game untuk Xbox 360:
* Crackdown 2
* Blacklight: Tango Down
* Monkey Island 2: Special Edition
* Little League World Series Baseball 2010
* NCAA Football 11
* DeathSpank
* DarkStar One
* Alan Wake: The Signal
* BlazBlue: Continuum Shift
* Clash of the Titans
* Quantum Theory

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